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Lessons I have learned after being active online:

 Lessons I have learned after being active online:

1. Consistency is Key: Regular posting and engagement build your presence and credibility.

2. Authenticity Wins: Genuine interactions and posts resonate more with people.

3. Networking is Powerful: Connecting with professionals can open new opportunities.

4. Value Over Promotion: Share content that provides value rather than just promoting yourself.

5. Engage Meaningfully: Thoughtful comments on others' posts build stronger connections.

6. Personal Branding Matters: Keep your profile updated and reflect your journey accurately.

7. Learn and Grow: Follow industry leaders, join groups, and participate in discussions.

8. Celebrate Milestones: Share your achievements and celebrate others' successes.

9. Ask for Feedback: Seek advice and feedback from your network to grow.

10. Stay Professional: Maintain a professional tone in all your interactions.

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